What People Want

Let’s be honest about it: We do want things from other people.  We want other people’s goodwill and friendship.  We want their acceptance and recognition.

A businessman wants business from other people.  A husband and wife want love and affection from each other.  A parent wants obedience.  A child wants security and love.  A salesman wants other people to sign their names on a dotted line.  A boss wants loyalty, production, and cooperation.  An employee wants recognition and credit for what he does.

Every normal human being wants success and happiness.  Have you ever thought about the fact that other people play an important part in any real success or happiness that we enjoy?  It is largely through our dealings with other people that we become succe3ssful.  And regardless of what your definition of happiness maybe, a little thought will convince you that your own happiness is largely dependent upon the sort of relationships you have with other people.

How To Have Confidence And Power In dealing With People – Les Giblin

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