We’re Movin’ On Up!

As per the Domain Name Industry Brief published by VeriSign Inc, the Internet now has as many as over 183 million (18,30,00,000) domain names in the first quarter of 2009 (Source: http://www.verisign.com/static/DNIB_09_0529web.pdf ) – that is quite a few websites! Keep in mind, that number is for websites, not pages. Each website can have multiple pages.

You may be wondering why I am spouting off statistics like this. Well, on June 16th, I went to www.Alexa.com to see how well www.AllAboutGratitude.com is ranked. You see, www.Alexa.com is the organization that ranks websites. I was certainly surprised to see that it was ranked 23,287,141. Not very impressive, but I quickly discovered that many “smaller” sites do not even get  ranked. I certainly was grateful to see that my little tiny piece of the internet was in the top 23.5 Million websites! If David Letterman didn’t stop at his Top Ten, I might have a chance to make his Top 23.5 Million Sites!

Well, my ranking of 23.5 million was about 4 days ago. I checked again today, and I have moved up in rank to 5,418,710! It looks like people are really happy to see that Gratitude is spreading. Will it become the number 1 website? In order to do that, AllAboutGratitude will have to take over from Google’s top spot… I am not sure that will happen, but as long as the word gets out and people continue to visit the site, I am happy! To see how the site is doing, you can view the results at http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/allaboutgratitude.com

I have received a few emails directly about the site and they have all be positive! This is a labor of love – I am doing it just to do it. I hope you enjoy it!

Be Well.

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