Gratitude on 9/11
On the anniversary of a terrorist event, he has the opportunity to discuss an Us. vs. Them. attitude. He could talk to his students about how hateful some people are. This teacher could even inje
ct stereotyping and profiling of people. Instead, he has taken a very tragic and horrific event, and turned it into a lesson that should be taught everywhere.
Gratitude for Being Lucky
Personally, I don’t believe in Fate or Luck. Your destiny is not predetermined, and Luck does not happen by chance. You are responsible for your actions and everything you do prepares you for those up and coming events,
Read MoreAttitude of Gratitude Video
Here is a video dealing with gratitude that I found on vimeo. I like it for a few reasons.
Read MoreWill Smith’s Gratitude
Here are some clips from Will Smith – gratitude is just one topic which he hits upon.
Read MoreInspiration
If something does not go as planned, Don’t give up! Just try something else. And maybe do it again. And again. And again. And also remember to have fun while you are doing it. Don’t get frustrated. Remember that you are learning and growing.
Read MoreYou CAN be Grateful!
Do you REALLY hav
e any excuse for ANYTHING? If Nick can be thankful, I bet you can!