Gratitude for Being Lucky

How much gratitude would you have if you were in one of these situations?

I thought it would be fun today to post this video. Honestly, I am not sure if 100% of the scenarios in this compilation are real (as opposed to being staged), it still is amazing.

Personally, I don’t believe in Fate or Luck. Your destiny is not predetermined, and Luck does not happen by chance. You are responsible for your actions and everything you do prepares you for those up and coming events. Just like gratitude, you can make choices that will provide options in the future. Based on these actions, is there Divine Intervention? Does the Universe play a role? Absolutely!

Do you believe in luck? Leave a comment and let me know. How much gratitude would you be feeling if you were in any one of those situations?


  1. Kathy on September 4, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Loved it!!! Who could question the existence of guardian angels after those experiences??!!

  2. Michael Gerber on September 4, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    “I am as lucky as I want to be.” This is the title of a blog I wrote in December of ’08 in which I define luck as ‘the ability to recognize opportunity when it knocks’. Of course, it is also a matter of perspective. Am I lucky? Youbetcha!

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