Posts Tagged ‘Attitude Of Gratitude’

A Gratitude Journal

[Note – this article about a Gratitude Journal was originally written in 2012, and has been updated several times to keep it relevant and timely!] In the past, I have discussed why I think keeping a Gratitude Journal is an awesome thing to do. And, it is time to talk about it once again! After…

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Gratitude Journal

I have been keeping a gratitude journal for some time now. Even though it has been in different forms, I have found that I feel empty when I am not using one. I have discussed this briefly in the past, and I think this is a good time to talk about keeping a Gratitude Journal…

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Have You Shown Gratitude For Your Body Lately?

Gratitude for your Body

By honoring and giving gratitude for this vessel, we are really saying Thanks to that which created it! Express your gratitude to your maker be it the Universe, God, Allah, Being, Consciousness or who/what ever you believe in.

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Gratitude in the Morning

When I wake up in the morning, after I hit the alarm clock to snooze or turn it off, one of the first things I do before getting out of bed is to run through a list of things that come to me for which I am grateful. I place no importance on the order…

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Attitude of Gratitude


By announcing your thanks out loud for the the world and the universe to hear, you are acknowledging your gratitude and allowing it to resonate throughout.

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