Posts Tagged ‘Quote Of The Day’

Learning with People

This evening I attended a meeting that occurs twice a month. Every other Thursday I try to attend a group meeting about Investing in the Stock Market. This is a group with I have been a member of for quite a while now – probably 4 years or so. When I first started to invest,…

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Do You Have Everything?

“Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire, If you did, what would there be to look forward to? This is true not only for materialistic good, but for emotional goals you may have, physical goals, spiritual goals, or anything else! Be Well. Sign up for the Gratitude Quote of the Day at:…

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Teaching Gratitude

Here is a great video on helping children to learn about Gratitude! Be Well. Sign up for the Gratitude Quote of the Day at:

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We’re Movin’ On Up!

As per the Domain Name Industry Brief published by VeriSign Inc, the Internet now has as many as over 183 million (18,30,00,000) domain names in the first quarter of 2009 (Source: ) – that is quite a few websites! Keep in mind, that number is for websites, not pages. Each website can have multiple…

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