Learning with People

This evening I attended a meeting that occurs twice a month. Every other Thursday I try to attend a group meeting about Investing in the Stock Market. This is a group with I have been a member of for quite a while now – probably 4 years or so.

When I first started to invest, I was pretty much on my own. I was still in collage and I remember the first company that I purchased, Pan Am ( they are no longer around… It was not the best investment). It was a fun thing to do – I felt like I had achieved some sort of status – I was an investor! The broker at the time, my friend, Ric, had just started at E.F. Hutton (they too are no longer around!) so I helped him in his career.

Since that time, I became more educated about what I am doing. I attended some classes, bought some software, and started to get good at it. Things really got better when I joined my current group. There is something about meeting with people, face to face, and having a discussion. I learned a lot from these people that I now consider my friends. In return, I help others out that do not know as much as I do. As I have mentioned before, when you have to explain something to someone – when you teach the – you yourself will get better at it as well.

I am grateful that I am a member of  this group. I strayed away for a couple months because of some other things that were going on, but it felt good to go back.

The next time you want to learn something, go out and find some people with whom you can work. There is a very good chance that you will become more successful.

Be Well.

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