Posts Tagged ‘Travel’

House of the Mouse

During my stay here in O-Town, I am staying on property at a resort that I have never stayed at (not until now). This is my first time staying at the Swan which is actually part of the Westin Hotel & Resorts. It is a wonderful hotel and I am grateful to be staying here.…

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I’m Going to Disney World!

That is right! I am grateful that I will be going to Orlando for a conference that I need to attend for Work! Although the conference is from Sunday – Wednesday, I will be taking a few extra days to spend time with family and to visit Sea World! So, if posts are a little…

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Travel Time

I sure that you have felt more grateful sometimes than others. The same goes for me! I am en route to Orlando for a long weekend. I hope to spend some quality time with my brother while attending a 2-day seminar. That is quite a bit to be grateful if I stopped there. I grateful…

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