Open Your Eyes And Be Grateful

Any idea where I took this picture of this tile Mosaic?

I am actually riding the NY Subway as I write this. Most people automatically think, Eww! Ugly. Gross. Dirty. While some of those thoughts may be true (they ARE dirty), there is a lot to be said about the goodness and all that there is to be grateful about.

I am on my way to see a friend for lunch. According to Google maps I am a short 56 minute walk to my destination. By subway, it is a fraction of the time!

In addition, as I was waiting for the 1 train, I noticed the detail of the craftsmanship at the station! Yup – this beautiful mosaic is part of the border that lines the station

What you see depends on what you are looking for. Are you looking for beauty or looking for ugly? Looking for the positive or are you looking at the negative?

What do you see?

Be Well.

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