Gratitude: A Journal

Keep a daily record of life’s little blessings with this keepsake journal filled with a year’s worth of insightful prompts, inspiring quotes, and ample room for reflecting on all the things that make life great. Gratitude: A Journal is a great little book to write down your thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

If you have been following this blog (or receive the Gratitude Burst) for a while, you will know that I am a big proponent of keeping a Gratitude Journal. While a gratitude journal can be as simple as a pad of paper, this journal may help you be more disciplined since it is a published book.

Regardless of how you maintain your thoughts, I highly suggest that you use a journal. Write in it when you have a thought of what you are grateful for. Write in it before you go to bed. Write in it when you get a spare moment. Over time, you will develop a collection of thoughts for which you are grateful! It will become a great pick me up if you are ever feeling down in the dumps.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

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