Women’s Revolutionary Triathlon

Gratitude was overflowing as I had the fabulous opportunity this morning to help at the first annual (?) Women’s Revolutionary Triathlon. It was a spectacular event which provided many women with the opportunity to complete their first Triathlon. The race was held with approximately 400 women (some newbies, other seasoned racers) who had great weather in which to compete.

I started out by body marking the competitors. If you have never been to a tri, body marking is not something you will see on L.A. Ink, but it is the process of writing the race number of each contestant on their arms as well as their age on their calf. I cannot recall ever asking so many women what their age is in my life!

Gratitude Arm

Age on the calf

After the body marking was completed, I was driven to Station 14 on the bike race. This was a section of the course that was on a steady rise (i.e., a long hill). It proved to be a great place to provide inspiration and support for all the ladies during the race. They did an awesome job making that climb and keeping a smile on their faces.

By 10:30 am, my duties were complete, and I headed home. I am grateful that I could give back to the sport and provide a good experience for so many people that are new to the sport.

If you have the opportunity, get out and volunteer. It does not have to be at a triathlon, but something that you find enjoyable and interesting. I am sure you will have a positive impact on someone.

Be Well.

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