Your Money Situation… with Gratitude?

Gratitude-MoneyHow much gratitude do you have for your current financial situation? Do you dream about financial independence, but struggle to believe that it’s actually possible for you? Are the bills piling up in your household? Do you fear the financial obligations that come with the next thing to go wrong in your home? Whether you think it or not, you have reason to be grateful for the situation you are currently experiencing. And, thankfully, there is hope!

According to USA Today, nearly 2/3 of Americans are in debt. Of those, nearly half have stopped paying one or more of their credit cards. Yet the situation is far from an impossible one to overcome. You might be one of these people. Regardless of your situation, you can be thankful for where you are.

You can achieve the financial independence you deserve if you know the right choices to make and you’re willing to believe that you can do it! As I have said before, you first need to be grateful for what you have NOW, so you can really enjoy the greatness that will be coming your way.

When you get your financial situation under control, the benefits you experience will touch every area of your life. Even if you have this a very little bit right now, embrace it – be thankful for it. Many of the daily stresses you face that seem totally unrelated to money will disappear. Your physical health will improve quickly as you regain control of your stress levels. Plus, you’ll be able to think more clearly about your goals and dreams. When this happens, you can imagine how you will feel!

Less stress means more time to enjoy your family and nurture the relationships that are most important to you. Small steps in the right financial direction can give you the freedom to enjoy your life!

If you are interested in learning some practical ways to do this, leave a comment below and let me know you are interested!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Menka on December 14, 2010 at 7:35 am

    This is something I am trying hard to learn right financial direction, practical way and overcome. How can I do that? (By the way I am not buying any material gift, my money goes towards education and living) I am extremely interested in learning.

  2. David R. on December 14, 2010 at 9:35 am

    OK – You have me hooked. I would like to see the next installment – I want something concrete that I can use.

    Looking forward to the next blog.


  3. Kelly on December 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    I am also very much interested in information regarding finances and learning to relax along the way.

  4. Wendy on September 13, 2012 at 8:38 am

    I’d love more practical suggestions too. I’m already working two jobs to keep on top of things financially in pursuit of being “debt free” one day. Your post keep me focused on that (and much more!) each day. Thanks for what you do…

    • Paul on September 24, 2012 at 9:10 pm

      More have been posted! Thanks, Wendy!

  5. Susan on September 13, 2012 at 5:06 pm

    My financial situation is due to my many health problems. My medical bills are what keep us in debt. They are not going to go away. As I age, I fear they will become worse. Still i am interested in financial peace and being peaceful along the way!

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