Spending Sunny Days in Your Spring Meditation Garden

Continuing on with yesterday’s post, today I will talk about spending sunny days in your spring meditation garden. Here are a few ideas:

1.    Clear away distractions. Put aside internal and external distractions when it’s time to meditate. Depending on where you live, it may be helpful to meditate early in the morning when there’s less traffic and other background noise.

2.    Make distractions part of your practice. If external distractions persist, welcome them into your practice. Use the sounds of car horns and people talking to train your mind to stay focused on your meditation object instead of pursuing other thoughts. Note the interruption and bring your mind back to your contemplations.

3.    Ward away bugs. There are many ways to steer clear of insects without killing them. For wasps, keep a look out so you can stay away from their nests. Avoid the things that attract them like perfume, bright colors, and food. For natural ant repellent, try planting some mint or cucumber.

4.    Protect yourself from excessive sun exposure. You get just as much sun whether you’re exercising or sitting down. Use a sunscreen with full spectrum protection and wear a hat, especially if you meditate at midday when the sun is strongest.
Enjoying Your Spring Meditation Garden on Rainy Days:

1.    Develop some sheltered seating. Spring showers are a natural part of the season. By building a gazebo, you can stay outdoors and enjoy the sound of the rain without getting wet. If you’re working with more limited space, install a large umbrella over your chair. It will help protect you from the sun as well as the rain.

2.    Design a room with a view. When stormy days keep you inside, you can still keep your garden in sight. Meditate by a window where you get a good view of your yard.

Your spring garden can make your meditation practice more pleasant and productive. No matter what the weather brings, use the natural beauty of the outdoors to help calm your mind.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Menka on March 9, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    That is for sure.

  2. kathi on March 10, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Paul, I am so grateful to be able to look at your sight every morning. you are filled with light and are a very loving person. the quote on 3/10 makes me think of you.
    thanks you for all that you do.

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