Finding Yourself in Gratitude

Gratitude-WalkWould you like to find yourself immersed in gratitude? There are some simple ways to do this – the key is going back to the basics. I think that we  generally over-complicate our lives by packing in too much activity, with too much stuff.  Just relax, take it easy and enjoy yourself. As Simon & Garfunkel sang, “Slow down, you move to fast.” One of the easiest, simplest, and most cost-effective way to achieve this is to Walk  in Peace and Harmony.

Walking in peace and harmony can sound cliché, but it’s actually important! If you’re looking for ways to cultivate gratitude, peace, and feel more connected, know that this experience comes from within you. Open your mind and heart and you can experience the joy, beauty, and gratitude you seek.

Everyone finds connection in different ways. Using these suggestions, you can discover your own path to peace.

To Help Yourself, Focus Both Internally and Elsewhere

Whatever you pay attention to will grow. If you’re focused on your own challenges, you may miss seeing the good in the world. You also may not notice the good in yourself.

Likewise, when you focus on others and on the world around you, you begin to see the beauty everywhere. You also see your own value, because you can help others and respond to them differently than you otherwise might.

To live a grateful, peacefu,l and harmonious life, it helps to discover who you truly are. To do this, explore the world as well as your own thoughts and beliefs.

Give some of these ideas a try:

1.      Volunteer to share your talents and time with other people in need.

2.      Spend time in prayer and meditation to see what you can do to move forward.

3.      Talk with others who are on their own journey toward greater self-knowledge.

4.      Analyze your past to see how you can use your experiences to improve the present.

5.      Spend time with people who radiate love and joy and peace.

6.      Avoid negative people who want to bring you or others down.

7.      Read about positive thinking or attend workshops for a new perspective.

8.      Seek more constructive ways to interact with the people in your life.

9.      Ask others how you can help foster better relationships with them.

10. Tell the people in your life – including yourself – how much they are valued.


Walking in Peace Takes Practice

There are no magic answers for how you can be more peaceful. Like anything in life that’s worthwhile, desire, motivation, and effort are required. However, it’s important to stay relaxed about the process. If you agonize over how to be peaceful and harmonious, you may slow down your own progress.

When you make a conscious decision to walk in peace and harmony, it doesn’t mean that you’ll never get upset again. Life always brings challenges. There are always issues that can get you down if you let them.

If you have peace in your life, though, you’ll see a lot fewer of those upsetting times. And with more peace in your heart, you’ll perceive your challenges differently.

By learning about yourself, you’ll learn what really matters to you. You’ll be able to let go of the little issues and focus your energy elsewhere. By directing your thoughts and time toward what really counts, you’ll have a lot more harmony and peace. And although the process takes time, walking your unique path to peace adds richness and deep joy to your life.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Laurence Hansen on April 26, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    I am reading this just after returning from my Rotary Club meeting. With participants at today’s meeting ranging from high school on up to retirees it was gratifying to see people at so many age levels committing to make a difference in the world and their communities.

    One of the great ways people can continuously give and receive gratitude is to join and actively participate in a service organization such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lion’s clubs, etc.

  2. Menka on April 27, 2011 at 8:25 am


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