The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 09

“Hang around optimists. Refresh your own psyche and spirit by socializing with people who don’t just see the glass half full but are willing to share that glass with you. They understand they’ll gain so much more.”

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1,001 Things That Increase My Gratitude!

I read somewhere that someone had started to post a list of 1,000 that he/she felt more gratitude towards. Each day a list of 10 things were added. If you do the math, you will see that this effort will take 100 days. I like that idea. After all, I have been blogging over a year and I am up for the challenge! Starting today I will be including a list of 10 things for which I am grateful.

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The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 07

t as millions of snowflakes pile up to create a blanket of snow, the ‘thank you’s’ we say pile up and fall gently upon one another until, in our hearts and minds, we are adrift in gratitude.”

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