Posts Tagged ‘Blog’


If you are a Quote of the Day subscriber, you know that I have had a heck of a weekend due to work. It has been a couple days wince I wrote anything here at the blog. Well, I am here to tell you that I am back 🙂 I received an email from Lucie…

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I am Touched!

You may not have noticed it recently, however, I have updated the sign-up page for the Gratitude Quote of the Day ( Over the past weekend, I decided to list some ‘testimonials’ or short notes that I have received from people on the list. I then sent out a few emails to ask for some…

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Welcome to my Blog! It is very fitting that I am in pre-launch, pseudo-live on Memorial Day. There is so much gratitude on a day like today. On one hand, it is wonderful that we publicly have a day in which we honor those who served our country. However, on the other hand, this should…

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