Posts Tagged ‘Gratitude’

5 Tips to Help You Have More Energy When Socializing

Extrovert or an introvert? Some people are actually really good and natural with social connections and some people just don’t. However, even if you are not an introvert, occasionally social situations can be exhausting. The issue is that you do need to perform at your best during these conversations. Consider the last time you participated…

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5 Easy Steps to Start Visualizing Your Success Today

You may not realize it, but you are already a powerful visualizer. You probably spend a lot of time imagining your life, but chances are you’re more focused on worry and anxiety than on making success your reality. How often do you think about that presentation or that date and imagine the worst possible outcome?…

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How to Make Networking Events Less Stressful

Can you think of anyone you know who actively seeks out networking opportunities? If you’re an introvert, this may seem unbearably awkward and uncomfortable for you. You recognize, however, the importance of networking to your professional success, whether your goal is to advance your current position or to launch a new venture. Developing strong networking…

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How Can I Live a Simple Life in A Modern World?

It takes bravery to live a simple life. Your family might not comprehend why you are passing on a job advancement that would have brought you a significant pay raise and a ton of new duties. Friends will wonder why you stopped participating in online discussions. As you pay off debt and sell your huge…

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Why a Simple Life Leads to Happiness

There are a lot of unhappy people, but they don’t know why. They got into the myth that having a successful career would allow them to purchase large homes with plenty of possessions. They use the most recent technology to stay in touch with friends, family, and foes via social media. Why are people dissatisfied…

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5 Ways to Live a Simpler Life

Many individuals desire a simpler lifestyle. Few succeed in it. Although it seems appealing, reaching happiness while letting go of your possessions is challenging. However, the advantages are enormous. Your health is reversible. You can reunite with your family. Your level of stress will decrease. These all add up to a life that has been…

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