Posts Tagged ‘Money Magnet’

Money for paying my bills?


I am just going through my receipts, balancing my checkbook, and paying bills. Not what most people will think as joyful or have any gratitude in it… Well, as I picked up the pile of receipts, lo and behold, there is a nice $10 bill that I did not even know I had! “I’m a…

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Gratitude For Found Cash!


Last night I was expressing my gratitude as I was emptying my wallet of all the receipts I had in there.  When I go shopping, I like to get the receipt handed to me. I then either slip it into my wallet, or I fold it in half (so it will fit) and save it…

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Don’t Focus on the Money

A recent comment from a friend said, “You have time to blog!”, indicating that blogging was a waste of time and not a “money maker.”

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Found Money

I sent out an email today to the subscribers of the Quote of the Day with the link to search for money which the government rightly owes you. I had searched on this site and found that there was about $86 that was due to me, which I promptly claimed. That was a nice day…

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Money Magnet, Again


Quick little post for today…  On 2 separate occasions, in 2 separate locations, the Universe provided me with more money. I’m a Money Magnet! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Be Well. Sign up for the Gratitude Quote of the Day

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