Grateful for doing it

As I was growing up, my father had a love of photography. He was a ham in front of the camera as well as loving to take pictures behind the camera. Perhaps it was because of all the media and publicity he received being in “Show Biz.” As a child, I cannot remember all the times we had to wait while we had our picture taken with a completely manual camera (Leica, Nikon, Minolta, etc.). It was his Nikon F2 that got me interested in photography.

Fast forward to the present. Whenever I go on vacation, travel to my triathlon races, visit family, or get togethers during the holidays, I always bring my camera, a Nikon D70. Through habit or tradition, people have expected my to bring my camera.

I am known for taking an excessive amount of pictures in order to get the right shot. i can still hear my father imparting the advice. “if you get 1 good shot out of a whole roll, it was worth it.” Of course, that was back in the day where all pictures were developed and cost a bundle to get your pictures developed and printed.

Today I attend a course through the Nikon School of Photography in NYC. It was about Color, Light, and Technology. There was plenty of information that I learned and I cannot wait to try some of it out.

The morning started out quite early (for a Sunday) and had a few snafus (I planned on taking the train into NY, but mixed up the times and realized it 1 minute before I heard the train pass. I ended up commuting in, having to find parking, walk to the Hotel, find the room, know no one, spend a full day, commute back home, sit in traffic, etc.)

Although some will say it was an ordeal and was a hassle, I am grateful for doing it. I did have a fleeting thought that I could pass on the class, and forgo the tuition that I already paid. It would have been easier to relax and take it easy on a Sunday (especially since I had to go to work on Monday). But instead, I smiled, and enjoyed the journey, the class, and the

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