
A Gratitude Walk

When it comes to bringing gratuitous thoughts to your mind, a gratitude walk is similar to the gratitude journal. Rather than taking the time to write down and record your thoughts in some sort of binder or journal, you generate a list of those things in your head while you go for a walk. For some people, myself included, I get into a rhythm of thinking to the beat of my walking stride.

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Grateful for Protection

I wrote about ‘issues’ I have had in the past with spam, viruses, and other nasty computer things. I spend a lot of time cleaning up Friends’ and Family’s computers of these things; I thought I would take some time to help you prevent some of these problems.

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The POWER of Gratitude

Gratitude serves an amazing purpose. It helps us flourish and live satisfactory lives, and build and fosters relationships with others, too.

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