Feed Your Soul. Feed Your Mind.
Your Money Situation… with Gratitude?
How much gratitude do you have for your current financial situation? Do you dream about financial independence, but struggle to believe that it’s actually possible for you?
Read MoreGratitude for Saving Some Money
When I have the opportunity to save some money, I swell up with gratitude! When I have the opportunity to help the environment, that is another time I am filled with gratitude! But… when I have the chance to do both at the same time, that is like Gratitude Nirvana!
Read MoreGratitude Trumps Depression
Gratitude Trumps Depression
Read MoreGratitude for Gandhi
My gratitude for this video goes out to my friend, Thomas Mangum.
Read MoreCan You Help Me Out?
Happy Gratitude Tuesday! I have a quick request and a favor to ask in this video.
Read MoreGratitude for Kevin Spacey – Take 2!
The gratitude I have for Kevin Spacey is tremendous. He is one of my favorite actors! The Usual Suspects is one of my all time favorite movies. In this clip, Kevin is being interviewed on the Actors Studio.
Read MoreGratitude for Kevin Spacey
The gratitude I have for Kevin Spacey is tremendous. He is one of my favorite actors! The Usual Suspects is one of my all time favorite movies. In this clip, Kevin is being interviewed on the Actors Studio.
Read MoreHow Attitude Affects Us
Our attitude at the beginning of a job will affect the outcome of the job more than anything else.
Read More25 Things About Me
For Starters… I thought I would share a list of 25 Things about me. I actually posted this on another website of mine (it is a bit more technical than this site) and thought it would be nice to share with this group here! Why am I doing this? Well, today starts a new Ultimate…
Read MoreGratitude for Getting Things Done
I am expressing my gratitude for crossing things off my list of things to do – at times this list gets pretty long, but as the saying goes, I just “Keep On Trucking!” Are you a procrastinator? Do you put things off for as long as possible? Can you only get things accomplished when the…
Read MoreGarden of Your Mind
Here is a great video remix! I hope you like it as much as i do! Thanks, Karen, for sharing this with me! Be Well. Paul. The Gratitude Guru
Read More30-Day Gratitude Challenge
I have written about my little challenge in the Gratitude Bursts this past week. By now, a lot of people know that I am excited to be sending out heartfelt and personal cards to random people. These people are folks that have inspired me, touched me, made me smile, or someone that I just want…
Read MoreIt’s a Gratitude Card Writing Campaign!
I was talking with a good friend of mine, Brian E., the other day and he gave me a great idea! He suggested that I start a card writing campaign to express gratitude towards others. “Hey Paul – why don’t you write 30 cards to 30 people in 30 days? You can call it the…
Read MoreGratitude vs. Complaining
Have you ever known a happy person who wasn’t grateful, or a grateful person who wasn’t happy? Perhaps a way to look at this is that happiness is a result of gratitude. The wonderful thing about this is that, while we cannot always just choose to be happy, we can always choose to be grateful, which results in happiness. So in a roundabout way, we are choosing happiness when we choose to be grateful.
Read MoreGratitude Goals
Today’s Gratitude Burst dealt with knowing what you want. You should not be moving ahead without direction. Walking through life aimlessly benefits no one. Even when you think you know what you want or can rationalize why you are doing what you are doing, you can still be walking aimlessly without knowing it!
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