Feed Your Soul. Feed Your Mind.
Grateful for Protection
I wrote about ‘issues’ I have had in the past with spam, viruses, and other nasty computer things. I spend a lot of time cleaning up Friends’ and Family’s computers of these things; I thought I would take some time to help you prevent some of these problems.
Read MoreThe Ship Wreck
A ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small desert like island. The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agreed that they have no other recourse but to pray to God for help.
Read MoreGrateful for Laughter
A funny Pepsi commercial
Read MoreGrowing Gratitude – Part II
Strengthen your gratitude for the relationships you have with everyone around you. Appreciate how people have touched your life, however briefly.
Read MoreGrowing Gratitude – Part I
* Express your thankfulness by doing the necessary, but menial tasks around your home, so that other family members don’t have to do them. Become like the Franciscan, Brother Lawrence when he prayed, “Lord, make me a saint through my washing the pots and pans.”
Read MorePrayer of Gratitude
Thank you for this day.
Thank you for the Fellowship of life.
Thank you for my teacher.
Your Attitude of Gratitude
If you strengthened your level of gratitude, you’d lower your stress level
Read MoreThe POWER of Gratitude
Gratitude serves an amazing purpose. It helps us flourish and live satisfactory lives, and build and fosters relationships with others, too.
Read MoreAm I Ready to Make a Change?
When deciding to make a change you have to remember that the decision is yours.
Read MoreGratitude Is…
Gratitude is owned by everyone and no
one. Gratitude is in cities, in the country, in houses
of worship, in darkened allies, in caves, in homes
and in tiny apartments. Gratitude grows the more
you tap into it through acknowledgment, sharing
and awareness. Gratitude is available to each of
us at anytime.
Gratitude For What I Want
As a reader of my blog, you realize now that I share stories of things I have done, or stories I have heard in person, stories I read online, and an assorted collection of what I like to call, “Stuff!”
Read MoreThe Eagle and the Chicken
Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle’s nest rested. The eagle’s nest
contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg.
Close to Home
Momma Birdie (as I call her) flies out of her next and onto the porch railing. As she is doing this, she is chirping and talking (or yelling) at me.
Read MoreGrateful for Fathers!
I just want to wish all Fathers and anyone who has/had a father a Very Happy Father’s Day! Take time to let your Dad know how much you appreciate him.
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